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[2022-09-08] 오늘의 자연어처리 Cross-Lingual and Cross-Domain Crisis Classification for Low-Resource Scenarios Social media data has emerged as a useful source of timely information about real-world crisis events. One of the main tasks related to the use of social media for disaster management is the automatic identification of crisis-related messages. Most of the studies on this topic have focused on the analysis of data for.. 2022. 9. 8.
[2022-09-07] 오늘의 자연어처리 Reference Resolution and Context Change in Multimodal Situated Dialogue for Exploring Data Visualizations Reference resolution, which aims to identify entities being referred to by a speaker, is more complex in real world settings: new referents may be created by processes the agents engage in and/or be salient only because they belong to the shared physical setting. Our focus is on resolving re.. 2022. 9. 7.
[2022-09-07] 오늘의 자연어처리 Unsupervised Simplification of Legal Texts The processing of legal texts has been developing as an emerging field in natural language processing (NLP). Legal texts contain unique jargon and complex linguistic attributes in vocabulary, semantics, syntax, and morphology. Therefore, the development of text simplification (TS) methods specific to the legal domain is of paramount importance for facil.. 2022. 9. 7.
[2022-09-06] 오늘의 자연어처리 Mind the Gap! Injecting Commonsense Knowledge for Abstractive Dialogue Summarization In this paper, we propose to leverage the unique characteristics of dialogues sharing commonsense knowledge across participants, to resolve the difficulties in summarizing them. We present SICK, a framework that uses commonsense inferences as additional context. Compared to previous work that solely relies on th.. 2022. 9. 6.