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[2023-07-23] 오늘의 자연어처리 A Dataset and Strong Baselines for Classification of Czech News Texts Pre-trained models for Czech Natural Language Processing are often evaluated on purely linguistic tasks (POS tagging, parsing, NER) and relatively simple classification tasks such as sentiment classification or article classification from a single news source. As an alternative, we present CZEch~NEws~Classification~dataset (CZ.. 2023. 7. 23.
[2023-07-22] 오늘의 자연어처리 Integrating Pretrained ASR and LM to Perform Sequence Generation for Spoken Language Understanding There has been an increased interest in the integration of pretrained speech recognition (ASR) and language models (LM) into the SLU framework. However, prior methods often struggle with a vocabulary mismatch between pretrained models, and LM cannot be directly utilized as they diverge from its NLU.. 2023. 7. 22.
[2023-07-21] 오늘의 자연어처리 Exploring Transformer Extrapolation Length extrapolation has attracted considerable attention recently since it allows transformers to be tested on longer sequences than those used in training. Previous research has shown that this property can be attained by using carefully designed Relative Positional Encodings (RPEs). While these methods perform well on a variety of corpora, the conditions fo.. 2023. 7. 21.
[2023-07-20] 오늘의 자연어처리 A mixed policy to improve performance of language models on math problems When to solve math problems, most language models take a sampling strategy to predict next word according conditional probabilities. In the math reasoning step, it may generate wrong answer. Considering math problems are deterministic, we propose a mixed policy exploration approach to solve math problems with reinforcement.. 2023. 7. 20.