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[2023-09-07] 오늘의 자연어처리 Hierarchical MixUp Multi-label Classification with Imbalanced Interdisciplinary Research Proposals Funding agencies are largely relied on a topic matching between domain experts and research proposals to assign proposal reviewers. As proposals are increasingly interdisciplinary, it is challenging to profile the interdisciplinary nature of a proposal, and, thereafter, find expert reviewers with a.. 2023. 9. 7.
[2023-09-06] 오늘의 자연어처리 NeuroSurgeon: A Toolkit for Subnetwork Analysis Despite recent advances in the field of explainability, much remains unknown about the algorithms that neural networks learn to represent. Recent work has attempted to understand trained models by decomposing them into functional circuits (Csordás et al., 2020; Lepori et al., 2023). To advance this research, we developed NeuroSurgeon, a python libr.. 2023. 9. 6.
[2023-09-05] 오늘의 자연어처리 Why do universal adversarial attacks work on large language models?: Geometry might be the answer Transformer based large language models with emergent capabilities are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in society. However, the task of understanding and interpreting their internal workings, in the context of adversarial attacks, remains largely unsolved. Gradient-based universal adversarial attac.. 2023. 9. 5.
[2023-09-04] 오늘의 자연어처리 Interpreting Sentiment Composition with Latent Semantic Tree As the key to sentiment analysis, sentiment composition considers the classification of a constituent via classifications of its contained sub-constituents and rules operated on them. Such compositionality has been widely studied previously in the form of hierarchical trees including untagged and sentiment ones, which are intrinsically.. 2023. 9. 4.