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[2022-09-20] 오늘의 자연어처리 ConFiguRe: Exploring Discourse-level Chinese Figures of Speech Figures of speech, such as metaphor and irony, are ubiquitous in literature works and colloquial conversations. This poses great challenge for natural language understanding since figures of speech usually deviate from their ostensible meanings to express deeper semantic implications. Previous research lays emphasis on the literary a.. 2022. 9. 20.
[2022-09-19] 오늘의 자연어처리 Examining Large Pre-Trained Language Models for Machine Translation: What You Don't Know About It Pre-trained language models (PLMs) often take advantage of the monolingual and multilingual dataset that is freely available online to acquire general or mixed domain knowledge before deployment into specific tasks. Extra-large PLMs (xLPLMs) are proposed very recently to claim supreme performances o.. 2022. 9. 19.
[2022-09-18] 오늘의 자연어처리 The Impact of Edge Displacement Vaserstein Distance on UD Parsing Performance We contribute to the discussion on parsing performance in NLP by introducing a measurement that evaluates the differences between the distributions of edge displacement (the directed distance of edges) seen in training and test data. We hypothesize that this measurement will be related to differences observed in parsin.. 2022. 9. 18.
[2022-09-17] 오늘의 자연어처리 Hierarchical Attention Network for Explainable Depression Detection on Twitter Aided by Metaphor Concept Mappings Automatic depression detection on Twitter can help individuals privately and conveniently understand their mental health status in the early stages before seeing mental health professionals. Most existing black-box-like deep learning methods for depression detection largely focused o.. 2022. 9. 17.