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[2022-08-31] 오늘의 자연어처리 NEAR: Named Entity and Attribute Recognition of clinical concepts Named Entity Recognition (NER) or the extraction of concepts from clinical text is the task of identifying entities in text and slotting them into categories such as problems, treatments, tests, clinical departments, occurrences (such as admission and discharge) and others. NER forms a critical component of processing and leveragi.. 2022. 8. 31.
[2022-08-31] 오늘의 자연어처리 On Unsupervised Training of Link Grammar Based Language Models In this short note we explore what is needed for the unsupervised training of graph language models based on link grammars. First, we introduce the ter-mination tags formalism required to build a language model based on a link grammar formalism of Sleator and Temperley [21] and discuss the influence of context on the unsupervised lea.. 2022. 8. 31.
[2022-08-30] 오늘의 자연어처리 MDIA: A Benchmark for Multilingual Dialogue Generation in 46 Languages Owing to the lack of corpora for low-resource languages, current works on dialogue generation have mainly focused on English. In this paper, we present mDIA, the first large-scale multilingual benchmark for dialogue generation across low- to high-resource languages. It covers real-life conversations in 46 languages across 19 .. 2022. 8. 30.
[2022-08-30] 오늘의 자연어처리 Cross-Modality Gated Attention Fusion for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Multimodal sentiment analysis is an important research task to predict the sentiment score based on the different modality data from a specific opinion video. Many previous pieces of research have proved the significance of utilizing the shared and unique information across different modalities. However, the high-order combi.. 2022. 8. 30.