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[2022-11-08] 오늘의 자연어처리 Once-for-All Sequence Compression for Self-Supervised Speech Models The sequence length along the time axis is often the dominant factor of the computational cost of self-supervised speech models. Works have been proposed to reduce the sequence length for lowering the computational cost. However, different downstream tasks have different tolerance of sequence compressing, so a model that produce.. 2022. 11. 8.
[2022-11-07] 오늘의 자연어처리 A speech corpus for chronic kidney disease In this study, we present a speech corpus of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) that will be used for research on pathological voice analysis, automatic illness identification, and severity prediction. This paper introduces the steps involved in creating this corpus, including the choice of speech-related parameters and speech lists as well as t.. 2022. 11. 7.
[2022-11-06] 오늘의 자연어처리 Human in the loop approaches in multi-modal conversational task guidance system development Development of task guidance systems for aiding humans in a situated task remains a challenging problem. The role of search (information retrieval) and conversational systems for task guidance has immense potential to help the task performers achieve various goals. However, there are several technical cha.. 2022. 11. 6.
[2022-11-05] 오늘의 자연어처리 Contextual information integration for stance detection via cross-attention Stance detection deals with the identification of an author's stance towards a target and is applied on various text domains like social media and news. In many cases, inferring the stance is challenging due to insufficient access to contextual information. Complementary context can be found in knowledge bases but integr.. 2022. 11. 5.