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[2022-08-17] 오늘의 자연어처리 Exploring Generative Models for Joint Attribute Value Extraction from Product Titles Attribute values of the products are an essential component in any e-commerce platform. Attribute Value Extraction (AVE) deals with extracting the attributes of a product and their values from its title or description. In this paper, we propose to tackle the AVE task using generative frameworks. We present two t.. 2022. 8. 17.
[2022-08-17] 오늘의 자연어처리 Exploring Generative Models for Joint Attribute Value Extraction from Product Titles Attribute values of the products are an essential component in any e-commerce platform. Attribute Value Extraction (AVE) deals with extracting the attributes of a product and their values from its title or description. In this paper, we propose to tackle the AVE task using generative frameworks. We present two t.. 2022. 8. 17.
Slack API 앱 만드는 방법(상세설명) 1. Slack 로그인(https://slack.com/signin#/signin) 2. Slack API - Your Apps(https://api.slack.com/apps)에 접속 3. Create An App 클릭 4. From scratch 클릭 5. App Name 입력 및 Workspace 선택 후 Create App 클릭 6. 추가할 기능 선택(Bot 기능 테스트를 위해 Bots 선택) 7. Web API Methods(https://api.slack.com/methods)에서 추가하고자 하는 API 및 필요 권한(Scopes) 확인 예) 채널 목록 조회, 채널 내 글 이력 조회, 메시지 등록 기능이 필요하다면... 7.1 conversations.list 조회 7.2 검색 결과에서 con.. 2022. 8. 16.
Python SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED 에러 발생시 해결 방법 에러 메시지 urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate 해결 1. pip install certifi 해결 2. 아래와 같이 ssl 을 import 하고 프로그램 시작 시 한번 실행함. import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context 2022. 8. 16.